Use this tool to get stack-ranking comparisons of the major content delivery networks (CDNs) and cloud providers by availability, latency, and throughput performance for a range of service types, including:
- Static object delivery
- Transport layer security (TLS) content delivery
- Whole site acceleration
- Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) compute and storage
Performance measurements were taken yesterday over a 24-hour period and represent a subset of data collected from the top 10 percent of contributing networks in the selected country.
** The Multi-Cloud Optimized and Multi-Provider Optimized numbers show you the actual results you can achieve by using NetScaler intelligent traffic management to optimize your application delivery across more than one provider.
NetScaler collects billions of data points from real users each day to measure the performance and availability of the major CDNs and cloud providers. We analyze the data in real time and display the results as median values in milliseconds. To learn how we use real-time data to deliver super-fast application response times, see NetScaler intelligent traffic management.